Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? (Friends) Tags: Advice, Chandler, Chandler Bing, Comment, Friends, Matthew Perry, Sarcasm, sarcastic|
Because I’m Clever (Doctor Who) Tags: 10th Doctor, clever, David Tennant, Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor, The Doctor|
OP Is A Liar (The Walking Dead) Tags: David Morrissey, Liar, OP, Original Poster, The Governor, The Walking Dead|
I don’t understand that reference. (Supernatural) Tags: Castiel, Misha Collins, Reference, Supernatural, Understand|
You’re a beautiful woman, probably. (Doctor Who) Tags: 4th Doctor, Beautiful, Doctor Who, Fourth Doctor, The Doctor, Tom Baker, Woman|
Mind Blown (Bill Nye) Tags: Bill Nye, explosion, Incredible, mind blown, OMG, science, Science Guy, wow|
Allons-Y! (Doctor Who) Tags: 10th Doctor, Allons-Y, David Tennant, Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor, The Doctor|
Shit Just Got Real (Doctor Who) Tags: Alex Kingston, Doctor Who, Melody Pond, Real, River Song, shit|
Life finds a way. (Jurassic Park) Tags: Dinosaurs, Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park, Life|
Give Me Paw! (Spaceballs) Tags: Barf, Bill Pullman, Gimme Paw, Give Me Paw, Half Man Half Dog, John Candy, Lone Starr, Mog, Spaceballs|