Angrily Puffing on a Pipe (101 Dalmations) Tags: 101 Dalmations, angry, Dalmation, mad, Pipe, Tobacco|
Ahhhhhhh! (Aaron Rodgers) Tags: Aaahhhhhhh, Aaron Rodgers, Ahhhhh, angry, Green Bay Packers, mad, Packers, rage|
Pissed Off (House Of Cards) Tags: angry, Congressman, Corey Stoll, House of Cards, Knife, mad, Peter Russo, pissed off, Stab, Stabbing|
When my boss tells me I have to stay late on Friday Tags: angry, kid, Sad, Sophia Laurent Abraham, Teen Mom|
MRW My boss asking me to stay late Friday when it’s Halloween weekend Tags: angry, Boo, boss, Halloween, Monster inc, overtime, Randall Boggs, working|