I Deserve To Be Loved (Supernatural) Tags: Crowley, Deserve, Love, Loved, Mark Sheppard, Supernatural|
We are gonna bang. (Crazy, Stupid, Love.) Tags: Bang, crazy, Crazy Stupid Love, Emma Stone, Hannah, Love, Sex, stupid|
Why don’t you marry them? (SNL) Tags: Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, David Spade, Love, Marry, Saturday Night Live, snl|
Cristiano Ronaldo wink Tags: Cristiano Ronaldo, football, happy, Love, Real Mardid, soccer, wink, Winking, You're Awesome|
MRW when my girlfriend buys new lingerie Tags: excited, fuck yeah, horny, Jim Carrey, Love, The Mask|
Hanneli Mustaparta love and kisses Tags: Hanneli Mustaparta, heart, kisses, Love, sexy, Valentines day|