You seem like a decent fellow. (The Princess Bride) Tags: Decent, Fellow, Inigo Montoya, Kill, Mandy Patinkin, The Princess Bride|
Worst Thing I’ve Ever Heard (The Princess Bride) Tags: Christopher Guest, Count Rugen, Marvelous, The Princess Bride, Worst|
Let me explain… (The Princess Bride) Tags: Explain, Inigo Montoya, Mandy Patinkin, Sum Up, The Princess Bride, Too Much|
As You Wish (The Princess Bride) Tags: As You Wish, Cary Elwes, Dread Pirate Roberts, The Man In Black, The Princess Bride, Westley|
It’s Not That Bad (The Princess Bride) Tags: Bad, Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, The Man In Black, The Princess Bride, Westley|